Adele 25

Songbook zum Studioalbum der weltbekannten Sängerin

Adele 25, GesKlaGitKey (SBPVG) (0)Adele 25, GesKlaGitKey (SBPVG) (1)Adele 25, GesKlaGitKey (SBPVG) (2)Adele 25, GesKlaGitKey (SBPVG) (3)
Singstimme, Klavier [Gitarre/Keyboard]
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Interpret / Künstler:
72 Seiten; 23 × 31 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:
AM 1009712


The much-anticipated and record-breaking album 25 from Adele is arranged here for Piano, Vocal and Guitar. Including the huge single Hello, the 25 sheet music will let you learn to play Adele's new album from start to finish, exactly as it sounds on the record.

Since Adele released her breakthrough album '21' in 2011, anticipation has been building for more of her personal lyrics and powerful voice. After reportedly considering leaving the music industry, she suffered from intense writer's block, but Adele eventually found creative inspiration and released 25 to much critical acclaim, debuting at number one, and becoming the fastest-selling album of all time in a number of countries. With this exclusive 25 sheet music, you can learn each song with accurate and authoritative transcriptions for Piano, Vocal and Guitar.

This Adele songbook features every song from the latest album, including the number one single Hello, a Piano ballad with a climactic chorus that reminded everyone just what Adele could achieve vocally, and gave us a taste of what was to come in the rest of the album. Featuring more mature lyrical themes and some contemporary twists on her signature sound, 25 matches the brilliance of her past efforts, with some surprising upbeat rhythms as well as stunning vocal delivery on the ballads she's best-known for.

With the Piano part, melody line and lyrics, as well as Guitar chord boxes throughout, this accurate and complete Adele 25 sheet music is the best way to learn this incredible pop album. Even though Adele is arguably the greatest singer of her generation, these songs are great fun to sing, even if her talents are unmatched! Learn to play 25 with our Adele sheet music and enjoy every song from this indisputable modern classic.


  • Hello
  • Send My Love (To Your New Lover)
  • I Miss You
  • When We Were Young
  • Remedy
  • Water Under the Bridge
  • River Lea
  • Love in the Dark
  • Million Years Ago
  • All I Ask
  • Sweetest Devotion

Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen


Hal Leonard MGB Group B.V., Businesspark Friesland-West 15, P.O. Box 744, 8440 AS Heerenveen, NL,

22,99  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel


Adele: Hello, GesKlaGitKey (EAPVG)

Adele: Hello

für: Singstimme, Klavier [Gitarre/Keyboard]

Einzelausgabe PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)

Artikelnr.: 654904

7,50  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (de)
Adele: Songs for solo singers: Adele, GesKlaGitKey (PVG+CD)

Chasing Pavements

Adele Adkins

Songs for solo singers: Adele

Six hit songs arranged for piano, voice & guitar (including CD with full backing tracks)

für: Singstimme, Klavier [Gitarre/Keyboard]

Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar), Playback-CD

Artikelnr.: 496626

22,99  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
Adele: Best of Adele, GesKlavGit (Sb)


Adele Adkins

Best of Adele

arranged for piano, voice, guitar

für: Singstimme, Klavier [Gitarre]


Artikelnr.: 496662

26,99  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (de)
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