Mike Carubia, Jeff Jarvis (* 1952)

Effective Etudes for Jazz 1 – Trombone

Audition Performance Etudes
Based on the Chord Changes to Popular Standards
Kendor Jazz Improvisation Method

M. Carubia: Effective Etudes for Jazz 1 - Trombone, Pos (0)M. Carubia: Effective Etudes for Jazz 1 - Trombone, Pos (1)M. Carubia: Effective Etudes for Jazz 1 - Trombone, Pos (2)M. Carubia: Effective Etudes for Jazz 1 - Trombone, Pos (3)

Keep Smilin´ (Demo)

Keep Smilin´ (Play-Along)

Isle of Melon (Demo)

Notenbuch, online Playback
Autor / Komponist:
Verlag / Hersteller:
KENDOR 20696


This collection of 18 audition/performance etudes based on the chord progressions to popular jazz standards, blues, and rhythm changes. The collection was designed for honors jazz band auditions, solo evaluations, group lessons, teaching the jazz language and improvisation, learning standards, and more.

Presented sequentially according to difficulty, the etudes have annotations beneath the staves identifying phrases and patterns common to the jazz language. Chord reference charts show users the notes of all chord symbols in each etude. Each book comes with a compact disc recording of a professional rhythm section and soloist performing all the etudes, plus separate accompaniment tracks without the soloist.


  • Tuning Note - with soloist
  • Keep Smilin'- with soloist
  • Moonmen- with soloist
  • Minor Is Finer- with soloist
  • Baggage Claim Blues- with soloist
  • Dido- with soloist
  • Isle Of Melon- with soloist
  • It's From Heaven- with soloist
  • The Moon Is High- with soloist
  • Blue Note Blues- with soloist
  • Softly- with soloist
  • You're The Last One- with soloist
  • I Got Yer Rhythm!- with soloist
  • The Sum Of Your Attributes- with soloist
  • This Is Love- with coloist
  • My Glowing Moment- with soloist
  • Sweet Georgia- with soloist
  • It's Nobody For Me- with soloist
  • I Got Rid Of 'Em- with soloist
  • Keep Smilin'- without soloist
  • Moonmen- without soloist
  • Minor Is Finer- without soloist
  • Baggage Claim Blues- without soloist
  • Dido- without soloist
  • Isle Of Melon- without soloist
  • It's From Heaven- without soloist
  • The Moon Is High- without soloist
  • Blue Note Blues- without soloist
  • Softly- without soloist
  • You're The Last One- without soloist
  • I Got Yer Rhythm!- without soloist
  • The Sum Of Your Attributes- without soloist
  • This Is Love- without soloist
  • My Glowing Moment- without soloist
  • Sweet Georgia- without soloist
  • Nobody For Me- without soloist
  • I Got Rid Of 'Em- without soloist
30,99  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–5 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel

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M. Carubia: Effective Etudes for Jazz 2 - Trombone, Pos
Mike Carubia, Jeff Jarvis

Effective Etudes for Jazz 2 – Trombone

Audition and Performance Etudes
Based on the Chord Changes to Popular Standards
Kendor Jazz Improvisation Method

für: Posaune

Notenbuch, online Playback

Artikelnr.: 935864

30,99  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–5 Arbeitstage (de)


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The Shy Clown (Demo)

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Impressions (demo)

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Maiden Voyage – Jazz Solos for Trombone

As Played by Ricky Simerly
Correlated to Volume 54 of the Jamey Aebersold Jazz Play-Along Series

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12 Standards
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