Brad Edwards

Lip Slurs

Progressive Exercises for Building Tone & Technique

B. Edwards: Lip Slurs, Pos (0)B. Edwards: Lip Slurs, Pos (1)B. Edwards: Lip Slurs, Pos (2)B. Edwards: Lip Slurs, Pos (3)B. Edwards: Lip Slurs, Pos (4)B. Edwards: Lip Slurs, Pos (5)
Autor / Komponist:
84 Seiten; 21,5 × 28 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:


Lip Slurs Lip Slurs is an 84-page comprehensive supplement for any trombone (or euphonium) player wishing to build technique and improve tone quality. The difficulty ranges from basic to virtuoso. It includes three main sections:

  •  1. Slow Slurs - To build tone, improve range and develop control;
  •  2. Fast Slurs - To build facility throughout the range of the instrument;
  •  3. Lip Slur Melodies - Etudes reminiscent of the Bordogni vocalizes with an interesting twist: all the legato phrases can be played completely with natural lip slurs.

Kudos: This is the bible of lip slurs. If you ever get bored of your routine, simply get a copy of Brad Edwards Lip Slur Book and these exercises will last you a lifetime. I have always said that it essential to visit lip slurs every day you pick up the horn. This is the perfect book to keep you going.

52,70  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Sofort versandfertig. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel
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