Greg Fishman

Jazz Saxophone Etudes 1

für Alt- oder Tenorsaxophon (mit 2 Playback-CDs)

G. Fishman: Jazz Saxophone Etudes 1, Sax (+2CDs) (0)G. Fishman: Jazz Saxophone Etudes 1, Sax (+2CDs) (1)G. Fishman: Jazz Saxophone Etudes 1, Sax (+2CDs) (2)G. Fishman: Jazz Saxophone Etudes 1, Sax (+2CDs) (3)

Halsted Street (Demo)

Halsted Street (Play-Along)

Fullerton Avenue (Demo)

Lehrbuch (mit Noten), 2 Playback-CDs
Autor / Komponist:
48 Seiten; 21 × 28 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:
MMO 4131


One Dozen outstanding etudes for the higher-intermediate/advanced player written to sound like real jazz solos, not exercises. All are based on standard chord changes such as blues, I Got Rhythm, Satin Doll, etc..... There are 2 CDs - one with the exercises being played on alto and the other with the exercises played on tenor. This unique feature allows both alto and tenor players to read from the book and have an accompanying demo/play along CD in their key! Mr. Fishman's playing on the CDs is first class and exemplary. This is a fun and challenging etude book for all serious saxophonists.


  • Halsted Street (Fishman, Greg)
  • Irving Park Road (Fishman, Greg)
  • State Street (Fishman, Greg)
  • Waveland Avenue (Fishman, Greg)
  • Fullerton Avenue (Fishman, Greg)
  • Belmont Avenue (Fishman, Greg)
  • Grand Avenue (Fishman, Greg)
  • Rush Street (Fishman, Greg)
  • Michigan Avenue (Fishman, Greg)
  • Clark Street (Fishman, Greg)
  • Wabash Avenue (Fishman, Greg)
  • Addison Street (Fishman, Greg)
39,90  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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Greg Fishman

Jazz Saxophone Etudes 2

für Alt- oder Tenorsaxophon

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Notenbuch, 2 CDs

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43,10  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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Racing Avenue (Demo)

Greg Fishman

Jazz Saxophone Etudes 4

für Alt- oder Tenorsaxophon

für: Saxophon

Notenbuch, 2 CDs

Artikelnr.: 658266

28,60  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–5 Arbeitstage (de)
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