Accessible and Beautiful

Repertoire for mixed voices to encourage connection and growth

Gemischter Chor, Klavier
Notenbuch (Spiralbindung)
296 Seiten; 17,8 × 25,4 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:


  • 30 pieces for mixed voices, with piano, optional melody instrument, or unaccompanied
  • Opportunities to explore new languages and to have fun with a range of body percussion techniques or percussion instruments
  • Suitable for middle- and high-school-level choirs in the classroom and community
  • A mixture of choir favourites such as Boykin's Music of Life and Esmail's TaReKiTa and accessible pieces published here for the first time
  • Secular and sacred works and spirituals from the eighteenth century through to the present day
  • Potential for flexibility in scoring, enabling choir leaders to tailor the pieces to the needs of their choir
  • Each piece is accompanied by detailed pedagogical advice, including warm-up activities and rehearsal notes

Accessible and Beautiful is a remarkable collection of pieces specially compiled to encourage connection and growth for singers and their audiences. This important anthology pairs inspirational music and thoughtful pedagogy in a bid to restore music to the heart of the community.


  • After the Rain, Sarah Quartel
  • Afternoon on a Hill, Remel Derrick
  • Crossroad, Reginal Wright
  • A Cherokee Hymn, Traditional Cherokee, arr. James E. Green
  • Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes?, José Maurício Nunes Garcia, ed. Marques L. A. Garrett
  • Empress of Night, Amy Beach, arr. Brandon Williams
  • A Far Country, Shelton Ridge Love
  • Fly!, Tracy Wong
  • The Gift to Sing, Marques L. A. Garrett
  • Hashkiveinu, Reuben A. Burrows
  • Heart of Earth, Shruthi Rajasekar
  • Lift evry voice, Edryn J. Coleman
  • Music of Life, B. E. Boykin
  • My Lord, what a mornin, Negro spiritual, arr. Harry T. Burleigh, adap. and arr. Marques L. A. Garrett
  • The Parting Glass, Traditional Scottish, arr. Sarah Quartel
  • The Pasture, Marianne Forman
  • Raise your voice in song, Derrick Fox
  • Reconciliation, Alex T. Favazza, Jr.
  • Sing out, my soul, Marques L. A. Garrett
  • Take This Gift, Tracy Wong, arr. Cherie Chai
  • TaReKiTa, Reena Esmail
  • Temporal, Traditional Puerto Rican plena, arr. Diana V. Sáez and Suzzette Ortiz
  • Theres a meeting here tonight, Negro spiritual, arr. R. Nathaniel Dett, adap. Marques L. A. Garrett
  • Unity Song (We all sing together), Robert T. Gibson
  • The Violet, Maira Myers
  • Wanderlust, Marianne Forman
  • The water is wide, Somerset folk song, arr. Paul Carey
  • Wayfarin Stranger, Appalachian folk hymn, arr. Reginald Unterseher
  • Weaving, Kahan Taraporevala
  • When I rise up, Lauren Bydalek

Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen


Oxford University Press, North Kettering Business Park, Hipwell Road, NN14 1UA Kettering/ Northants, GB,

Verantwortlicher in der EU

Stretta Music GmbH, Ochsenfurter Straße 6, 97246 Eibelstadt, DE,

40,30  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3–5 Wochen
auf den Merkzettel
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