mit kleinen Schönheitsfehlern
Klaus Heizmann (* 1944)

Vocal Warm-ups

200 Exercises for Chorus and Solo Singers

AQ: K. Heizmann: Vocal Warm-ups, Ges/Ch (B-Ware) (0)AQ: K. Heizmann: Vocal Warm-ups, Ges/Ch (B-Ware) (1)AQ: K. Heizmann: Vocal Warm-ups, Ges/Ch (B-Ware) (2)AQ: K. Heizmann: Vocal Warm-ups, Ges/Ch (B-Ware) (3)AQ: K. Heizmann: Vocal Warm-ups, Ges/Ch (B-Ware) (4)AQ: K. Heizmann: Vocal Warm-ups, Ges/Ch (B-Ware) (5)
Singstimme [Chor]
Notenbuch mit kleinen Schönheitsfehlern
Autor / Komponist:
68 Seiten
Verlag / Hersteller:
ED 9564


What choral conductor or soloist has not looked around for new ideas for warming up the voice? Here are 200 suggestions all at once! And these creative exercises do more than just warm up the voice: they help to relax the body, train the ear and develop an awareness of dynamics and rhythm.

"Klaus Heizmann's collection is a wonderful new resource of ideas and techniques: practical, varied, challenging, relaxing and stimulating. I am always looking for new ideas, as I like to use a different set of warm-ups at every rehersal with my choirs, and I tend to choose specific exercises to suit the repertoire for the day. This collection gives us 200 excellent tools-of-the-trade"; they are clearly lebeled, intelligently set out, well-designed and extremely useful."

(Simon Carrington, Director of Choral Activities, New England Conservatory since 2001; Director of Choral Activities, The University of Kansas 1994-2001; Founder and co-director of the King's Singers 1968-1993)


  • Physical warm-up exercises
  • The right posture
  • Model warm-up routines
  • Breathing exercises
  • Exercises for deliberate diaphragmatic breathing
  • Exercises for relaxing and opening the vocal tract
  • Vocal warm-up exercises
  • Exercises for vowel formation and modification
  • Register transition exercises
  • Resonance exercises
  • Exercises for relaxing and activating the lips
  • Exercises in Dynamics
  • Warm-up exercises combined with ear training
  • Warm-up exercises combined with exercises for developing a sense of rhythm
  • Suggestions for accompaniment and performance

Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen


Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, Weihergarten 5, 55116 Mainz, DE,

18,50  € –30 %
13,00  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
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