Hans-Günter Heumann (* 1955)

Piano Junior: Duet Book 1

A creative and interactive Piano Course for Children from the Age of 6
15 fun and easy Duets

H.-G. Heumann: Piano Junior: Duet Book 1, Klav4m (0)H.-G. Heumann: Piano Junior: Duet Book 1, Klav4m (1)H.-G. Heumann: Piano Junior: Duet Book 1, Klav4m (2)H.-G. Heumann: Piano Junior: Duet Book 1, Klav4m (3)H.-G. Heumann: Piano Junior: Duet Book 1, Klav4m (4)
Klavier vierhändig
Notenbuch, online Playback
Autor / Komponist:
sehr leicht
48 Seiten; 23 × 30,5 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:
ED 13821


What is Piano Junior? Piano Junior is a superb piano course for beginners. It's creative, it's interactive, it's colourful, it has its own website with additional online material – and most importantly, it really works! Its characters, PJ the friendly robot and his sidekick Mozart the dog, motivate and encourage children throughout each level. The course is available as core Lesson Books, along with supplementary Theory, Duet and Performance Books at each stage.

Who is Piano Junior for? Suitable for children from around the age of 6, Piano Junior takes young students on their first steps and prepares them with a solid foundation for early grades.

A method for the digital age Teachers, parents and students can visit www.piano-junior.com for demonstration videos and recordings, along with a host of other free downloadable resources which really bring practice sessions at home to life!


  • H.-G. Heumann: Knight's Castle
  • H.-G. Heumann: World of Fantasy
  • H.-G. Heumann: My Lively Little Dog
  • H.-G. Heumann: Best Friends
  • H.-G. Heumann: Happy Clown
  • H.-G. Heumann: Sad Clown
  • H.-G. Heumann: Boogie Train
  • H.-G. Heumann: Elephant Walk
  • H.-G. Heumann: Mountain Echo
  • J.F. Reichardt: Lullaby
  • Big Ben (Clock Tower Melody from England)
  • C. Gurlitt: The Beginner
  • H. Wohlfahrt: The Children's Musical Friend
  • H.-G. Heumann: Take It Easy
  • H.-G. Heumann: Cheerleader Ragtime
9,00  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–5 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel

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Piano Junior: Duet Book 3

A Creative and Interactive Piano Course for Children
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Hans-Günter Heumann

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A Creative and Interactive Piano Course for Children
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Notenbuch, online Audio

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Piano Junior: Theory Book 1

A creative and interactive Piano Course for Children from the Age of 6
Vol. 1

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H.-G. Heumann: Piano Junior: Lesson Book 1, Klav
Hans-Günter Heumann

Piano Junior: Lesson Book 1

A creative and interactive Piano Course for Children from the Age of 6
Vol. 1

für: Klavier

Notenbuch, online Playback

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