Katherine Hoover (* 1937)


based on songs by John Dowland

K. Hoover: Ayres (0)
Sopran-Saxophon and Klavier
Autor / Komponist:
Verlag / Hersteller:
PRLK 608362


Katherine Hoover chose to arrange three Elizabethan lute songs by English Renaissance composer John Dowland for soprano saxophone after she heard the instrument played in a cathedral and was struck by its beautiful vocal quality. From the composer: “I have treated [these songs] in somewhat varying ways; counterpoint in the first, some variations in the second, and rhythmic play in the last, always being informed by the original song and/or words. These songs were commonly called Airs, or ‘Ayres,’ in the spelling of the time.” Songs included are “I Can She Excuse My Wrongs,” “Weep No More Sad Fountains,” and “Fine Knacks for Ladies.” For advanced Players.

23,95  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
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