Steve Houghton

Studio and Big Band Drumming

Interpretation of contemporary studio & big band drumming

S. Houghton: Studio and Big Band Drumming, Drst (+2CD) (0)S. Houghton: Studio and Big Band Drumming, Drst (+2CD) (1)S. Houghton: Studio and Big Band Drumming, Drst (+2CD) (2)S. Houghton: Studio and Big Band Drumming, Drst (+2CD) (3)

Single Accents

Double Accents

Two-Measure Figures

Lehrbuch (mit Noten), 2 CDs
Autor / Komponist:
Verlag / Hersteller:
BARNH 070-1990-44


This book is extremely useful in providing the drummer with the fundamental skills to perform in a studio orchestra, big band, show band or small combo. It includes concepts, ideas and philosophies concerning how to play musically with any type of ensemble. Ideally, this book will prepare the drummer for most reading situations. Written by drumset master Steve Houghton who is well known as an instructor, performer and recording artist and from his numerous clinics as a staff clinician for Yamaha Drums.

This comprehensive book comes with plastic covered wire binding so the book lays flat while you play along with the written examples.Book Includes:Definitions of common terms and phrasesExercises in articulation, phrasing, set-ups/fillsRecordings of numerous written examples from the book showing common ensemble figures and passages.

Play-along drum parts to 10 Big Band & Studio formats recorded on the 2 CD's

41,50  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 5–10 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel
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