Blake Neely (* 1969), Gary Meisner

FastTrack Keyboard 1

Music Instruction

B. Neely: FastTrack Keyboard 1, Key/Klav (0)B. Neely: FastTrack Keyboard 1, Key/Klav (1)B. Neely: FastTrack Keyboard 1, Key/Klav (2)
Keyboard [Klavier]
Lehrbuch (mit Noten), online Playback
Autor / Komponist:
48 Seiten; 23 × 30 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:
HL 697283


Learn how to play that piano today. With this book you'll learn music notation, chords, riffs, licks and scales, syncopation, and rock and blues styles. Method Book 1 includes over 87 songs and examples and access to online audio tracks.

The price of this book includes a unique code that provides access to audio tracks online, for download or streaming. The tracks include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right – available exclusively from Hal Leonard.

12,99  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
auf den Merkzettel

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Blake Neely, Gary Meisner

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Blake Neely, Gary Meisner

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Blake Neely, Gary Meisner

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