Repertoire Classics – Flute

36 Repertoire Pieces with Piano Accompaniment

Repertoire Classics - Flute, Fl;Klav (+medonl) (0)Repertoire Classics - Flute, Fl;Klav (+medonl) (1)Repertoire Classics - Flute, Fl;Klav (+medonl) (2)Repertoire Classics - Flute, Fl;Klav (+medonl) (3)

J.S.Bach: Arioso

A.Caplet: Petit Valse

G.Fauré: Berceuse

Flöte; Klavier ad lib.
Notenbuch (Sammelband), online Media
48 Seiten; 22,5 × 30,5 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:


Carl Fischer's Repertoire Classics series consists of comprehensive and progressively graded collections of classic solos with piano accompaniment. Each book contains a fine mix offeranscriptions of familiar classics along with solos written specifically for the instrument. Many of the pieces in these collections appear on state contest/festival required music lists.

The pieces featured cover the performance levels offerade 2 through 5, representing all style periods, and include works by some of the greatest composers of all time. As an added bonus, the included online material contains audio files of the piano accompaniments to make practicing more fun. It also contains piano accompaniment parts for all pieces in the collection in PDF format.

Our innovative and unique packaging allows Carl Fischer Music to provide you with large and useful collections of solo literature at Afterdable prices, and players will find them useful for years to come.


  • J.S. Bach - Arioso
  • J.S. Bach - Siciliano
  • L.v. Beethoven - Menuett
  • L.v. Beethoven - Siciliano
  • G. Bizet - Menuett (L'Arlesienne)
  • G. Bizet - Entr'Acte
  • C. Bohm - Still wie die Nacht
  • J. Brahms - Walzer
  • A. Caplet - Petite Valse
  • A. Caplet - Reverie
  • A. Corelli - Gigue
  • C. Debussy - Reverie
  • J. Donjon - Adagio Nobile
  • J. Donjon - Pan Pastorale
  • G. Faure - Berceuse
  • G. Faure - Sicilienne
  • C.W. Gluck - Minuet und Reigen Seliger Geister
  • B. Godard - Allegretto
  • F.J. Gossec - Gavotte
  • F.J. Gossec - Tambourin
  • C. Gounod - Meditation
  • G.F. Händel - Bourree
  • G.F. Händel - Giga
  • J. Haydn - Serenade
  • B. Marcello - Sonata F-Dur
  • W.A. Mozart - Adagio
  • S. Rachmaninoff - Vocalise
  • C. Saint Saens - Pavane
  • C. Saint Saens - Le Cygne (Der Schwan)
  • E. Satie - Gymnopédie 2
  • F. Schubert - Moment Musical op. 94/3
  • F. Schubert - Trockene Blumen
  • R. Schumann - Romanze
  • R. Schumann - Träumerei
  • P.I. Tschaikowsky - Juni
  • G.P. Telemann - Menuett
22,50  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–5 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel


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