- Destination London
- I Met You Like A Stranger
- Life's Reflections
- Lonely In London
- Visitors London
TV, Film, Musical und Show
This mini-musical began life as a workshop project commissioned by June Keyte for late-teenage children at Kingsmead School, Enfield. The three main characters are a contented boy, an uncertain girl and a disillusioned person whocan be a boy or a girl. The chorus can be any size. The part of the porter is a solo voice taken from the chorus. The staging and costumes can be as simple or elaborate as you wish but the opening and closing scenes must in someway represent a railway carriage, with the three main characters sitting side by side. The piece offers some scope for the insertion of other songs about London to extend the performance in appropriate circumstances.DestinationLondon is ideal for a school or youth group looking for a substantial item in a mixed programme, or a group not yet ready to tackle a full-scale musical.
The accompaniment can be piano alone, but the addition of doublebass, percussion or any other instruments would add to the overall effect.
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