Betty Roe (* 1930)

The Sleepwalkers or How To Eat Chips In Space

TV, Film, Musical und Show

B. Roe: The Sleepwalkers or How To Eat Chips I, GesKlav (KA) (0)
Singstimme, Klavier
Autor / Komponist:
48 Seiten
Verlag / Hersteller:


A Musical play by Julian St. Leger with music by Betty Roe. This is the score for Voice and Piano accompaniment, containing all the music and song lyrics as well as performance notes. The Sleepwalkers is a fabulous show,full of interest intrigue and diversity; with fun pieces and colourful characters, it is certain to delight audiences, performers and players alike.


  • Alternative Prelude Bwv 902a
  • Chromatic Fantasia And Fugue In D Minor Bwv 903
  • Fantasia And Fugue In A Minor Bwv 904
  • Fantasia And Fugue In C Minor Bwv 906
  • Fantasia In C Minor Bwv 919
  • Fantasia In G Minor Bwv 917
  • Fantasia On A Rondo In C Minor BWV 918
  • Fugue In A Major On A Theme Of Albinoni Bwv 950
  • Fugue In A Minor Bwv 947
  • Fugue In C Major Bwv 946
  • Fugue In D Minor Bwv 948
  • Italian Concerto
  • Prelude And Fughetta In F Major Bwv 901
  • Prelude And Fughetta In G Major Bwv 901
  • Prelude And Fugue In A Minor Bwv 894
  • Prelude In A Minor Bwv 922
  • Variant Of The Opening Bwv 903a
11,99  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
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