Egon Saßmannshaus (1928 – 2010), Kurt Sassmannshaus

Early Start on the Viola 3

Elementary duets. Dances and other pieces in various keys
Bärenreiter's Sassmannshaus

E. Saßmannshaus: Early Start on the Viola 3, 2Vla (Sppa) (0)E. Saßmannshaus: Early Start on the Viola 3, 2Vla (Sppa) (1)E. Saßmannshaus: Early Start on the Viola 3, 2Vla (Sppa) (2)
2 Violen
Autor / Komponist:
72 Seiten; 23 × 30 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:
BA 9688


The main focus of Volume 3 lies on duet playing in different metres and keys. The variety of the selected recital pieces is designed to encourage fun in music-making and to develop a feeling for contrasting musical styles. On this basis, the familiar finger patterns and bowing strokes are thoroughly practiced and expanded. Learners also encounter fundamental ornaments (trills, appoggiaturas, upper mordents) and a new rhythmic unit: the triplet.

A table on the inside back cover lists page numbers for all the duets contained in this volume and in Volume 3 of the cello tutor “Früher Anfang auf dem Cello” (BA 9693), making it possible to play the pieces with viola and cello.


  • Preface
  • The Half Step Is Between The Second And Third Fingers
  • Ornaments
  • The Half Step Is Between The First And Second Fingers
  • The Second Finger Changes Between Low And High Positions
  • The Half Step Is Between The Third And Fourth Fingers
  • The Third Finger Changes Between Low And High Positions
  • The First Finger Is Low
  • The First Finger Changes Between Low And High Positions
  • Finger Patterns, Old And New
  • The Fourth Finger Is In Low Position
  • The Fourth Finger Changes Between Low And High Positions
  • Triplets
  • Duets In Various Keys With Changing Finger Patterns
  • Major And Minor Scales
  • Helpful Hints For Violinists
15,95  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Sofort versandfertig. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel

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Bärenreiter's Sassmannshaus

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Bärenreiter's Sassmannshaus

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Sofort versandfertig. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (de)
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