Outstanding Jazz Saxophone Solos
für: Saxophon
Buch + CD
Artikelnr.: 634779
Saxophonständer 14300
Für Es-Alt und B-Tenor-Saxophone
Artikelnr.: 457585
Tragetasche 14303
Tragetasche für Instrumentenständer
Artikelnr.: 497012
für Instrumente in Es
Outstanding Jazz Saxophone Solos by Frank Villafranca is designed for the intermediate to advanced student and shows how to play solos or improvise over common chord progressions used in the "Jazz idiom". There are 12 examples, each one being at least 32 measures in length and consists of different jazz styles including Jazz-Blues, Uptempo, Mid Tempo and Slow tempo-Jazz, Jazz-Ballad, Jazz-Funk, Modal-Jazz, Latin-Jazz, Acid-Jazz etc.
By utilizing chord progressions from popular jazz songs including: Misty, Girl from Ipanema, This Masquerade, Europa etc. as well as 12 bar Blues progressions, this becomes great source material to learning new improvisational ideas. The examples are recorded 3 times, the first time consists of the saxophone with the rhythm tracks of piano, organ, bass and drums, the second time is just the rhythm tracks and the third time just the rhythm tracks at a slowed down tempo.
für: Saxophon
Buch + CD
Artikelnr.: 634779
Für Es-Alt und B-Tenor-Saxophone
Artikelnr.: 457585
Tragetasche für Instrumentenständer
Artikelnr.: 497012
As Played by Greg Fishman
Correlated to Volume 54 of the Jamey Aebersold Jazz Play-Along Series
für: Altsaxophon (Es)
Notenbuch, Playback-CD
Artikelnr.: 585701
A practical Guide to creating improvisational Solos quickly and easily based on common Blues and Jazz Chord Progressions
Over 200 Phrases/Riffs
für: Altsaxophon (Es)
Notenbuch, Playback-CD
Artikelnr.: 603049
Die Jazz-Baustelle für alle Saxophone
14 melodische Solostücke
für: Saxophon
Notenbuch, Playback-CD
Artikelnr.: 605815
and other analogies for Jazz improvisation
Ein bahnbrechendes neues Konzept für das Erlernen der Sprache des Jazz
für: Instrument in C (hoch und tief), B oder Es (Flöte/ Violine/ Klarinette/ Saxophon/ Trompete/ Horn/ Posaune/ Gitarre/ Keyboard/ Klavier/ Bass)
Lehrbuch (mit Noten)
Artikelnr.: 635108
14 Most beautiful Jazz Songs
Schott Saxophone Lounge
für: Altsaxophon; Klavier ad lib.
Klavierpartitur, Solostimme, online Audio (Playback)
Artikelnr.: 659329
16 berühmte Jazz-Balladen
Schott Saxophone Lounge
für: Altsaxophon; Klavier ad lib.
Klavierpartitur, Solostimme, online Audio (Playback)
Artikelnr.: 486565
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