Constance Preston, Charlotte Hale

Ear Without Fear 3

A Comprehensive Ear-Training Program For Musicians
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 3, Klav (+CD) (0)C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 3, Klav (+CD) (1)C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 3, Klav (+CD) (2)C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 3, Klav (+CD) (3)C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 3, Klav (+CD) (4)C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 3, Klav (+CD) (5)

Track 2

Track 3

Track 20

Lehrbuch (mit Noten), Playback-CD
Autor / Komponist:
64 Seiten; 22,9 × 30,5 cm
Verlag / Hersteller:


Ear Without Fear is an innovative program aimed at building a foundation for reading music and developing the skills to perform it accurately. The authors have carefully chosen and organized the materials in this book to make the learning process as accessible to students as possible. The workbook and CDs are integrated to provide several learning approaches: aural, visual, and practical. The following concepts are introduced in level 3: Major and natural minor scales; The keys of C, G, F, and D major; The keys of A, E, D, and B minor; The alto and tenor clefs; The order of sharps and flats; The major and minor 3rd and the perfect 5th; Major and minor triads; Demonstrations, exercises and dictations covering these areas, and more.

14,99  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3–5 Wochen
auf den Merkzettel

Verwandte Artikel

C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 1, Klav (+OnlAu)

Chapter 1: High and low sounds

Constance Preston, Charlotte Hale

Ear Without Fear 1

A Comprehensive Ear-Training Program for Musicians
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

für: Klavier

Lehrbuch (mit Noten), online Audio

Artikelnr.: 486794

15,99  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 2–3 Wochen.
C. Preston: Ear Without Fear 2, Klav (+OnlAu)

Track 1

Constance Preston, Charlotte Hale

Ear Without Fear 2

A Comprehensive Ear-Training Program for Musicians
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

für: Klavier

Lehrbuch (mit Noten), online Audio

Artikelnr.: 486795

15,99  €inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3–5 Wochen
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