Gustav Holst (1874 – 1934)

The Planets

G. Holst: The Planets, Klav (0)G. Holst: The Planets, Klav (1)G. Holst: The Planets, Klav (2)G. Holst: The Planets, Klav (3)
Autor / Komponist:
80 Seiten
Verlag / Hersteller:
CH 83259


This is the first time that a version of Gustav Holst 's The Planets for solo Piano has been published. In this glorious publication, the emotional rollercoaster that is this seven-movement orchestral suite can be played on a single Piano, with those crashing chords and textural melodies sounding just fantastic on the solo keys. Originally scored for two pianos and four hands, this epic orchestral work continues to astound and astonish audiences around the world, even a century after Holst begun work on the first movement, Mars, the Bringer of War . This volume allows the solo pianist to emulate those glorious melodies, wonderful harmonies and dynamic rhythms, bringing thewonder of The Planets to the keys. This unique arrangement of The Planets reduces the entire orchestra to just a solo Piano, with some fingering hints throughout. The lovely engraving is an absolute pleasure to read from, and the sound of those thunderous rhythms and sweet melodies sounds absolutely brilliant coming from the purity and clarity of a solo Piano. With all seven movements included in this The Planets  sheet music, you'll be able to learn Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune , in the entire work that's sometimes thunderous, occasionally calm, often bombastic but always beautiful. With the full-colour astrophotography of the cover, the detailed, accurate and clear engraving and the inherent uniqueness of such an arrangement befits the timeless and enduring achievement of a work like this. The compositional history and musical qualities of The Planets  are fascinating, and the lengthy introduction details the rhythms, the harmonies and the personality that Holst  injected into his work, so you can learn about this glorious work before delving into the stunning arrangement of each of the seven movements. For the first time, the epic and vast work of art that is Gustav Holst 's The Planets  has been arranged for solo Piano, so you can play the entirety of these seven movements as a single pianist,


  • Mars - The Bringer of War
  • Venus - The Bringer of Peace
  • Mercury - The Winged Messenger
  • Jupiter - The Bringer of Jollity
  • Saturn - The Bringer of Old Age
  • Uranus - The Magician
  • Neptune - The Mystic
17,99  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Sofort versandfertig. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
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