André Jolivet (1905 – 1974)

Pastorales De Noël


A. Jolivet: Pastorales De Noël (Pa+St) (0)A. Jolivet: Pastorales De Noël (Pa+St) (1)A. Jolivet: Pastorales De Noël (Pa+St) (2)A. Jolivet: Pastorales De Noël (Pa+St) (3)A. Jolivet: Pastorales De Noël (Pa+St) (4)
Flute, Bassoon and Harp
Partitur, Stimmen
Autor / Komponist:
Verlag / Hersteller:


Pastoreles De Noël by André Jolivet is a piece for Flute, Bassoon and the Harp lasting nearly 13 minutes. This piece is really gentle and restrained which demonstrates the quality ofJolivet’s work but also reflects that period of WWII when France was under occupation. These scores are of medium level of ability.

Pastoreles De Noël features four sections:L’étoile (the Star), Les Mages (the Wisemen), La Vierge et l’Enfant (the Virgin and the Child) and Entrée et Danse des Bergers (the Shepherds’ dance). Each of these parts describes a part oftheChristmas story, starting with the Flute and the Bassoon in a duet, followed by the entrance of the Harp to settle the first part. The second section is quieter, expressing the walk in the desert. The Virgin and the Child islike a lullaby and the piece finishes on a joyful dance to express happiness and devotion.

André Jolivet is a French composer who was really inspired by the Antiquity, and had a strong interest foratonality. He also wrote many chamber music pieces, eleven concertos, some orchestral and some vocal music.

37,99  €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager. Lieferzeit: 1–3 Arbeitstage (Deutschland)
auf den Merkzettel
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